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Tiny Languages

From:Ed Heil <edheil@...>
Date:Thursday, June 17, 1999, 0:14
Hmm...  I'm assuming here that other people besides me are free to use
whatever fully developed languages they want; it is only I who am
limited (through some brain injury) to my 20 word or less conlang.

In that situation, I can get away with five words!

The lexemes I would want would have the following meanings:

1. "Guess what I want to say to you."

2. "Close."

3. "Completely wrong."

4. "Correct!"

5. "Dammit, never mind."

+ Ed Heil ---------------------- +
|  Waitin' for th' dinner bell t' do the bell thing  |
|        Dinner bell dinner bell ding  --TMBGs       |