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Re: My web page

From:Grandsire, C.A. <grandsir@...>
Date:Friday, October 22, 1999, 8:37
Eli Naeher wrote:
> > Did my message the other day regarding the web page for my new language, > jitihk zohse'n-don, get through? I haven't seen any responses--is it the > list or my language? :) >
I've just looked at your web page. I like the language, especially the feature that all intransitive sentences must have a reduplication or extension of the subject at the object slot, giving the feeling of an "all-transitive" language where all verbs must have two core arguments. The tense prefix on nouns is also a feature I like (and use in Tj'a-ts'a~n). I only have a few comments: - I can't see the images of the script in my browser (Netscape 4 on a HP-UX terminal). They appear as broken links, but when I click on them when the mouse and try "view image", they appear without a problem. Can anyone tell me where the problem comes from? - Your script has equivalents for the English letters q and x, but they don't appear in the phonology chart. Are they special letters? - The fact that modifiers and postpositions are inflected the same way is interesting, but it makes me wonder: do they come from the same class of words? And can any modifier take any of the endings, and in which sense? Those modifier affixes are a little bit opaque to me. Can you explain them, with examples, and in both cases of modifiers and postpositions? - I like particularly the way you make relative clauses. Do they have a particular marking or do they function exactly like independent sentences? That's all. I have no particular advice to give you, except to go on, as the language seems very interesting. -- Christophe Grandsire Philips Research Laboratories -- Building WB 145 Prof. Holstlaan 4 5656 AA Eindhoven The Netherlands Phone: +31-40-27-45006 E-mail: