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Re: OT-ish:Conlang Census

From:Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>
Date:Monday, January 19, 2004, 21:06
--- Joe skrzypszy:

>1)Where were you brought up?
Hoorn, the Netherlands.
>2)Where do you live, countrywise?
Still in the Netherlands (Zaandam). Spent some time in Poland and Luxemburg too.
>3)What is your nationality, as you see it?
>4)Where does your family come from?
My father from Amsterdam, my mother from Enkhuizen.
>5)What colour is your hair?
Dark blond, I would say. I'd rather call it "brown", but then usually people start to protest.
>6)What colour are your eyes?
>7)What colour is your skin?
What Rudolf Steiner called "the colour of the human skin", i.e. white.
>8)Are you left or right handed?
>9)What is/are your mother tongue(s)
>10)Are you fluent in any other languages? If so, which?
English, Polish and German quite fluent. After some practise also in French. Quite helpless in Russian.
>11)Are you homosexual, heterosexual, or bisexual?
Hetero, married, one daughter.
>12)What (non-)religion are you?
Non-religious indeed. I'm somewhere between an atheist and an agnostic, I think. I have nothing against religion though, and there several religious I feel a kind of sympathy for. OTOH, I hate fanaticism and fundamentalism.
>13)What denomination of that religion?
>14) Finally, what is your favourite colour?
I don't have a favourite colour. What I do have is favourite combinations of colours, like for example brown/red/orange (our livingroom), or dark blue/bright green/white (which is not only the colour of our bathroom, but also of <shameless plug> my new website for Vozgian: <>). </shameless plug> For the rest, I'll follow Paul's suggestion to add the following information: - Beard? No. Moustache? No. Glasses? Only for reading. - Smoking? Like a Trabant! - Drinking? Little to nothing. But I'm quite fond of milk. Jan


Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
Axiem <axiem@...>