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Re: Gzarondan: Phonological Review

From:Thomas R. Wier <trwier@...>
Date:Sunday, October 17, 2004, 6:20
From:    "Adrian Morgan (aka Flesh-eating Dragon)" <dragon@...>
> Syllable-Internal Section: > > * The inside of a syllable may contain any vowel or diphthong, or > else one of the following (known as the Lateral Series): > /Il/ /El/ /8:l/ /al/ /Ol/.
/l/ here is presumably not a glide, but what then motivates it being in the syllabic nucleus? Or am I misinterpreting you here?
> * Stress gravitates toward syllables beginning with an approximant, > velar fricative, lateral or trill.
Prosodic phonologists like Megan Crowhurst have told me that there are no languages in which the onset has any role in syllabic weight; only the coda has any such role. However, what counts as a moraic syllable may depend on whether it's an approximant or nasal, etc. So, if you just switch "beginning" to "ending", the tendency you describe here will be very natural. (Assuming you want naturalness, of course.) ========================================================================= Thomas Wier "I find it useful to meet my subjects personally, Dept. of Linguistics because our secret police don't get it right University of Chicago half the time." -- octogenarian Sheikh Zayed of 1010 E. 59th Street Abu Dhabi, to a French reporter. Chicago, IL 60637