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Re: Two questions about Esperanto

From:Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
Date:Monday, July 5, 2004, 18:28
Quoting Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>:

> En réponse à Doug Dee : > > > >1. Years ago (1980-ish), I read a book about Esperanto that did not use > the > >letter h^ (h-with-circumflex). It said that h^ was passing out of use in > >Esperanto, largely being replaced by the letter (and sound) of "k". (It > >was an > >old book, perhaps 1950s-1960s vintage). More recently, looking at "Teach > >Yourself Esperanto" and the like, I see that h^ is still in use (though it > >seems to > >be farily uncommon as letters go). So, was h^ ever in any danger of > dropping > >out of use? Was there any argument on the subject? Do any Esperantists use > k > >instead of h^ these days? > > You find both kinds: the people who will avoid hx (I prefer the x-notation > :) ) at any cost, replacing it with k unless it would confuse two existing > words, and the ones that keep hx religiously. Given the Esperanto community > is rather conservative when it comes to the language, the second kind of > people make the standard :) .
Since, apparently, no-one is ditching h^ completely, what's the point in dropping in some words? Andreas


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>