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Re: conlang greetings? (was Re: Let me introduce myself)

From:L. Gerholz <milo@...>
Date:Saturday, December 8, 2001, 15:25
SuomenkieliMaa wrote:
> > Same here, I absolutely *hate* manga/anime! And I'm > in Tokyo :-((( All the salary-men on the trains tend > to read either (1) the newspaper, (2) a novel or (3) > manga/anime. It's annoying to see how sexist these > are too, where most women figures are wearing sexy, > short skirts and no shirts. >
Do you ever get a chance to look at the material aimed at women and girls, the shoujo manga? Or the material written/drawn by women but not necessarily aimed at a female audience? True, these types of stories may not be your cup of tea either. But the last thing these stories are is sexist, the women wear short skirts only if they'd do so in real life, and you don't normally see gratuitous nudity. Again, I'm not trying to tell you what to read or what to like. But it really doesn't surprise me that this is the only segment of manga you'd see if that is the only audience you're observing. Laurie


SuomenkieliMaa <suomenkieli@...>