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OT: Yahoogroups and Family Project

From:Daniel Andreasson <rymddaniel@...>
Date:Thursday, August 2, 2001, 9:12
What the !"#¤ is wrong with those #¤%#¤ at Yahoo?!?

I wanted to change my address from a redirecting
address to my actual home mail address when
subscribing to arda-list. But when I deleted the
old address and was about to type in the new one
I noticed that I couldn't. Yahoo only lets me use
one of their own web-based addresses.

How do I get my mail from yahoo-groups delivered
to my home-address? As it is now, it will be
delivered to some yahoo-address that I don't use
and don't plan to use either. And I don't want to
read it online.

It lets me send mail from five different addresses
but only receive at their own. Gah!


||| daniel

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Amanda Babcock <langs@...>