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Re: Quick sound change plot

From:BP Jonsson <bpj@...>
Date:Sunday, June 16, 2002, 18:52
At 18:52 2002-06-11 -0400, Christopher B Wright wrote:

>Another question so soon. I'm a leech. I'm a pitiful, annoying sanguivore >that just won't die. > >Anyway, does anyone know of a program that could plot possible outcomes >of a given word using pre-assigned rules about sound changes? I'm not >talking about something that will give the same changes to a bunch of >words, but one that would give many changes to the same word. > >For instance, "for" would become por, vor, fol, vol, pur, etc. > >If nobody knows, I'll just do it the current newfangled way.
Please let us know what you come up with. I've sometimes wished for a program to do reverse sound changes, i.e. coming up with different possible ancestral forms of a given word. /BP 8^)> -- B.Philip Jonsson (delete X) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__ A h-ammen ledin i phith! \ \ __ ____ ____ _____________ ____ __ __ __ / / \ \/___ \\__ \ /___ _____/\ \\__ \\ \ \ \\ \ / / / / / / / \ / /Melroch\ \_/ // / / // / / / / /___/ /_ / /\ \ / /Melarokko\_ // /__/ // /__/ / /_________//_/ \_\/ /Eowine __ / / \___/\_\\___/\_\ Gwaedhvenn Angeliniel\ \______/ /a/ /_h-adar Merthol naun ~~~~~~~~~Kuinondil~~~\________/~~\__/~~~Noolendur~~~~~~ || Lenda lenda pellalenda pellatellenda kuivie aiya! || "A coincidence, as we say in Middle-Earth" (JRR Tolkien)


Pavel Iosad <pavel_iosad@...>