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Re: List of natlangs

From:Frank George Valoczy <valoczy@...>
Date:Sunday, December 20, 1998, 1:24
On Fri, 18 Dec 1998, Joshua Shinavier wrote:

> Hello fellow language loons :) > > No, I'm not gone yet, I've just been busy making sure I will be, day after > tomorrow. Many thanks to everyone who has helped with the natlang list -- > I now post it for the second-to-last time; corrections, further entries and > such may be sent in today and I'll edit the list one last time before handing > it over to Carlos, who may worry about the final format, etymologies and all > that :-) > > Questions: > Ferke, why have you given two entirely different Mandarin names for China? > These look like related dialects; if they are, what are their names? > Zhong guo ren min gong he guo (people's rep. of China) > ... > Ta Chung-hwa Min-Kuo (Republic of China) >
Both are Mandarin. The top one means "People's Republic of China" and is written the PRC's Pinyin transcription system. The bottom one is "Republic of China" (ie. Taiwan), in their transcription system, IIRC called "bopomofo". -------ferke Ferenc Gy. Valoczy Es to pilni'gi noliedzu! Personal page: Tu-134 page: railways page: conlang page: Uralica: Zaradi politicnega delovanja je oblast v letu 1982 razpustila: Svobodo (Laibach)