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Re: How to Make Chicken Cacciatore (was: phonetics by guesswork)

From:Tristan Mc Leay <kesuari@...>
Date:Wednesday, July 21, 2004, 9:17
Philip Newton wrote:

>Then transfer your knowledge of the IPA to either "traditional" >X-SAMPA or to CXS (Conlang Extended SAMPA?); >
Yes, but noting that the grouping is 'Conlang (Extended (Speech Assement Methods Phonetic Alphabet))', Conlang X-Sampa, not Sampa extended by conlangers. Or perhaps there's just too many seas, I dunno...
> I've found a mapping >chart to be very helpful for this, which superimposes the X-SAMPA or >CXS codes on the IPA chart. Search for "xsamchart.gif" and >"cxschart.gif" for this. > >(By the way, to answer your second question, I believe that the "ä" in >Swedish "Gävle" is [E] - an open-mid, front, unrounded vowel, IPA >"epsilon".) > >Cheers, >-- >Philip Newton <philip.newton@...> > >
-- | Tristan. | To be nobody-but-yourself in a world | kesuari@yahoo! | which is doing its best to, night and day, | | to make you everybody else--- | | means to fight the hardest battle | | which any human being can fight; | | and never stop fighting. | | --- E. E. Cummings, "A Miscellany" | | | | In the fight between you and the world, | | back the world. | | --- Franz Kafka, | | "RS's 1974 Expectation of Days"