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Re: CHAT: Nov 11th

From:Charles <catty@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 17, 1999, 1:52
alypius wrote:

> So war is caused by misunderstanding??? Well, maybe on rare occasions. But, > I think in most wars both sides understand each other all too well. (Of > course, the public may be deceived by its leaders, but this is another > problem.)
The leaders generate wars to benefit a few, and the public is propagandized to hate an enemy they don't understand. Wars are usually between classes, the causes are economic.
> If peoples who speak the same language have fewer wars between them, it is > not because they avoid misunderstanding, but because they have lots of other > cultural common ground as well. ~alypius
Yes, exactly. And by learning an auxlang we can create and maintain that common ground. That's the theory; I don't wonder why governments won't support it. -- As they say in Tepa: hike waipettu.