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Re: Epicene words

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Tuesday, March 1, 2005, 16:46
In Senyecan the names of virtually all the animals are epicene.  To
specify the male of the species, "øs-" is prefixed; for the
female, "ii-," e.g., "µíslen," wildcat (Felis silvestris);
"øsµíslen," male wildcat; "iiµíslen," male wildcat.

There are a few animal names which are more specific.
"göóósen" = a member of Bos taurus, i.e., a "cow."
"µácan" = the female of the species, i.e., a cow.  By extension
word is used for the female of any large ungulate.
"túúren" = the male of the species, i.e., a bull.  By extension
word is used for the male of any large ungulate.

"óµen" = sheep; "úrnen" = ram; "péçöen" = ewe.

"ÿáden" = goat.
"vúßen" = buck.  By extension the male of any small ungulate.
"cógen" = doe, nanny.  By extension the female of any small

"cáten" (> "cáta." to bear young) = the young of any animal.
"-lïen" may be suffixed to an animal name to indicate a young
"mózÿen" = calf, fawn.  By extension the young of any large
"ÿórïen" (> "ÿórïa," to farrow) = young pig.
"cólïen" (> "cólïa", to whelp) = the young of any canid.
"ÿáá£en" = chick, i.e., the young of any bird.

Interestingly there is a separate word for three species of deer
found in Eurasia:
"elnóven" = red deer (Cervus elaphus)
"érïen" = fallow deer (D. dama)
"rííçen" = roe deer (C. capreolus)

Not to mention:
"ólçen" = moose (elk in Eurasia) (A. alces)
"verénden" = Irish elk (Megalocerus giganteus)
