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Re: Split-Ergativity Madness

From:Thomas R. Wier <trwier@...>
Date:Thursday, October 4, 2001, 23:22
Quoting David Peterson <DigitalScream@...>:

> In a message dated 10/3/01 7:53:23 PM, amber@OJNK.NET writes: > > << What is Kurdish related to? Is it IE? >>
The Ethnologue says that there are in fact several distinct Kurdish languages. This could be a result of the fact that the Ethnologue is a divider, not a uniter.
> I'm not sure... It's spoken by a small group of people in Iran, > I'm told, though it's quickly disappearing.
Really? Kurdistan is supposed to be one of the largest ethnic regions in the world that does not have nation-state status. The Ethnologue says that there are nearly 4 million speakers (1980) out of an ethnic group of 8 million. ============================== Thomas Wier <trwier@...> "If a man demands justice, not merely as an abstract concept, but in setting up the life of a society, and if he holds, further, that within that society (however defined) all men have equal rights, then the odds are that his views, sooner rather than later, are going to set something or someone on fire." Peter Green, in _From Alexander to Actium_, on Spartan king Cleomenes III