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From:Matt Pearson <mpearson@...>
Date:Tuesday, August 17, 1999, 1:02

Your ideas are all great.  Some of them are definitely more time-consuming
and money-consuming than others.  I for one would be a definite customer
for paper grammars, and would certainly be willing
to submit an up-to-date version of the Tokana grammar for such an endeavour
(Tokana has been mentioned such a flatteringly large number of times in this
thread already, I would feel compelled to!).  However, I suspect that starting
a publishing house, even a small-scale one, would require more time and money
than any of us would be willing to commit at the moment.

Higher priority should be given, I think, to using to increase the
presence of conlangs on the web.  Providing space for conlangers to post
on-line grammars, texts, sound files, etc., would be great, if the space could
be made available.  Even higher priority should perhaps be given to starting
a central index of conlang websites:  While there are a number of very
good constructed language sites out there, many of them contain a number
of broken links.  Having a 'master list' of links, which could be easily
updated, would be great.  I also like Taliesin's idea of a 'conlang museum'
('conlang gallery' would perhaps be a better term) where short sketches
and unfinished or abandoned projects - those which are not sufficiently
extensive to merit a website of their own - could be housed for the
edification of future generations.
