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Re: OT: WAY OT: Re: OT: Re: What? the clean-shaven outnumber the bearded?

From:Tristan McLeay <kesuari@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 20, 2003, 9:26
Joe wrote:

>I think it's a subjunctive, following the analogy of 'hallowed be thy name'. >And, of course, it's definitely archaic, the modern form would be 'Let God >forbid' or 'May God forbid'. >
Those both sound archaic to me; I would've said something like 'God should forbid' or 'God better forbid' (with a mostly rising tone). As a command, 'God, forbid' (directed to God) or 'God better forbid' (not directed to God, and more of a threat; has a generally falling tone). For me, 'let God forbid' means 'stop preventing God from forbidding', and 'may' has been mostly replaced by 'can' or 'might' when possible; alternative constructions when not. -- Tristan <kesuari@...>