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Re: Just a Little Taste of Judean (Part 2)

From:Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>
Date:Sunday, April 11, 1999, 22:51
On Sun, 11 Apr 1999 15:01:07 +0100 "Raymond A. Brown"
<raybrown@...> writes:
>>>...... Also, how do you reason the >>>change from [w] to [f]? I realize they're both labial, but why >would >>>it devoice like that? For most cases of [pf] I've seen, if they >>>change, >>>turn into fricatives, not stops.
>>In Judean, all /w/s turned into either [v] or [f], depending on the >>environment.
>Fine - that I'll buy :)
Finally, *something* in what i've said that's plausible! :)
>Now >we could imagine that the Latin declension had given way to possibly >just >three cases: nom., Acc. & GenDat (a blend of the old genitive & dative >Romanian would suggest this). This is in line also with Greek >development. >In the 1st declension we know that the Nom. & Acc. had fallen together >in >speech probably as early as the 1st cent. AD., thus: puella, puellas. >There was certainly a tendency for this to happen elsewhere. Thus we >could >well have had a two case system common in the spoken Latin of this >area: > SING. PLURAL >NomAcc. puella puella:s >GenDat. puelle puella:ru
>Only three declensions survived in spoken Latin, so with the effect of >analogy etc. we could end up with a system like this ('manus' >certainly >survived & joined the 2nd declension). So we could have something >like >this (stress on penultimate syllable):
>1st decl. > SING. PLURAL >construct pela pelar >absolute pele pelaru >(I rather liked pfela ;) > >2nd decl. > SING. PLURAL >construct manu manor >absolute mani manoru > >3rd decl. > SING. PLURAL >construct ponte ponter >absolute ponti ponteru > >Which is certainly different :) > >(Analogy might also continue to work to make the singulars a bit more >'regular' in the way the plurals are.) > >Ray. >
I like it, it's certainly more plausible...and i like the shift from cases to states, although i didn't actually mean that when i rationalized about the absolute state. Although i don't quite get the stages in the evolution of the do the Nom&Acc and Gen&Dat mergings happen? And how come you shortened the long vowels before the -ru ? I need to learn some Latin....maybe i should wait until after this wave of schoolwork to really get into this, hrmph. -Stephen (Steg) "God punishes - humans take revenge." ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]