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Re: Typologic survey, part I

From:Irina Rempt <ira@...>
Date:Monday, January 29, 2001, 9:49
> ---- PART I Conlang Typlogic Survey 2001 ---- > > House-keeping data > > Name of the participating conlang:
> Name/id of the creators:
Irina Rempt
> Name/id of the submitter, if different from the creator:
> Place used, if any:
The Kingdom of Valdyas
> Web-address with more information, if any: (general) (language)
> Type of language as per Rick Harrison's system[2]: > (see
2.1.2, I think. It has a few borrowings, but all but one are unintentional.
> 1: Word order of Subject (S), Object (O) and Verb (V)
> The possible orders are: SVO/SOV/VSO/VOS/OSV/OVS/free/doesn't apply
> Which order(s) is/are most common?
> Which orders are possible?
SOV, SVO (in poetry or when the object is a whole sentence that's too unwieldy to put in the object slot; it's usually replaced by a pronoun where it ought to be), OSV (ditto).
> Is the order different if the verb is intransitive, if so, how?
No, except that there's no object, of course.
> If it doesn't apply, why?
> ---- END part I ----
-- Varsinen an laynynay, saraz no arlet rastynay. (myself)