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Re: TTF for IPA

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Tuesday, December 8, 1998, 0:58
Kristian Jensen wrote:
> Before you can use them, you also have to download a program that > will allow you to use these fonts properly. Its a keyboard manager > called "Tavultesoft Keyboard Manager",
You don't need that at all, that's for shoebox, and isn't necessary there, either, it just makes it easier. To use the font, you simply select that font in whatever program you're in, just as easily as selecting Times New Roman or Courier New. -- "It has occured to me more than once that holy boredom is good and sufficient reason for the invention of free will." - "Lord Leto II" (Dune Chronicles, by Frank Herbert) ICQ #: 18656696 AOL screen-name: NikTailor