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Re: OFF : updated tunu grammar

From:From Http://Members.Aol.Com/Lassailly/Tunuframe.Html <lassailly@...>
Date:Tuesday, October 26, 1999, 8:34
i would like to apologize for that long mail : i tried to attach a long mail
to a short one but both were edited as one.

Nik a =E9crit :
> How is {ny} pronounced? Is it a palatal nasal, like Spanish {n~}? > =20
yes. like indonesian "nyonya" (Ms.) or "nyanyi" (to sing). John a =E9crit :
> > this policy was carried out with the very convincing threat > > of being sentenced to be eaten whenever pronouncing an homonyme. > > Gack, and I thought Qi Huangdi (the First Chinese Emperor, who ordered a > general burning of books) was a dreadful tyrant! This is too much! > =20
burning books is horrendous indeed. but tunus eat people breaking a few listed taboos anyway. no specific problem with that one. Ed a =E9crit :
> Fascinating! The Tunuans have clearly found the secret of enforcing > language planning: threats of cannibalism. >
that policy proves best which combines reward and punishment - at no public cost. Nick a =E9crit :
> Hmm, frightening! :-) And this succeeded in changing the language so > much so that the changes have survived past his death? >=20
tunus keep enforcing banqueting opportunities for generations.
> Is {c} the same as {ch} above? > =20
yes. i use whichever. no taboo on script yet. Charles made up the vocablist but could not decide how "ch", "ng" and "ny" should be written. so i usually write c, ng, and ny because i pronounce tunu c, ng and ny as their indonesian sounds [tj], [N] and [=F1].
> Lots of reduplication here. Fascinating. >
i plan to claim that tunu has only 10 gram'rules. so i had to cheat somehow, of course. i pretend that verbal voice reduplications are no affixes :=20 paku / a-paku / pa-paku / paku-paku / apa-paku. there are 3 specific construct affixes : nya-, -ng and -nga and 7 syntactic tags : wa, ya, we, ye, wi, yo, yu. next step is fallaciously claiming that tunu is isolating. i can't think of an isolating conlang on the list yet and guaspi isn't quite= . i think it would be a good niche. John a =E9crit :
> > Tunu has an exclusive antonyme shown by prefixing nya- > =20 > Hmm, shades of Newspeak? :-) > =20
oh ! i hadn't considered that. "=F1-" just feels negative/reversive/opposite to me. like kan- in vorlin or else (can't remember in lojban).
> This reminds me of what I have read about Proto-Indo-European -- that > certain sounds (the ones traditionally reconstructed as /b/ /d/ /g/) > do not occur in affixes, only in roots. This bizarre restriction is > one of the arguments for reconstrucing that series as /p'/ /t'/ /k'/ > instead (ejectives); apparently in languages with ejectives, as highly > marked consonants they tend not to appear in affixes. > =20
interesting and apparently very complex. in indonesian the schwa only occurs in prefixes. AFMC, i use that to ensure tunu parseability despite its poor phonology. did anybody else do that with his own conlang ? mathias