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Re: winter quote

From:Adam Walker <dreamertwo@...>
Date:Thursday, March 11, 1999, 5:36
>On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, Sally Caves wrote: > >> Tenuo al aittear; kraiko al ofykya; edrime al imuif. >> "My name is winter. Cessation is my business. My gift, sleep."
In Graavgaln that would be: Ghaar zisciiv zhdaavkhnaach. Ghaar bvuuthce^d,chvill n,iru"vo"khnaach. Ghaar pulltlaochvill ngaadhaangknnaach. e^ = e with circumflect ("R" colored schwa) d, and n, = d cedilla and n cedilla (retroflex) u" = u umlaut (unround /U/) o" = o umlaut (unround /O/) oa = swedish ringed a ll = velar lateral tl = lateral stop Ghaar I (warrior caste) zivsciiv winter (etymologically zis + shiiv, death-time) zhdaav name, to be named -khnaach 1st person masculine present bvuuthced, to end, to cease, to terminate -chvill nominalizer n,iru"vo"sh to do as a career pulltlao to sleep ngaadhaang to give, to take So the last sentance is ambiguous. It could mean "I give sleep" or "I take sleep" depending on how you care to interpret. Adam Walker Get Your Private, Free Email at