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Re: CHAT: Ethnomathematics, etc. (was Re: OT: In the 'ignorance on parade' file

From:Yoon Ha Lee <yl112@...>
Date:Monday, August 20, 2001, 22:27
Thanks to Sylvia and CzHang (?) for the leads on ethnomathematics books.

On Friday, August 17, 2001, at 12:34 PM, Bryan John Maloney wrote:

> Japanese mathematics was very advanced, even solving problems that Europe > had to wait until calculus was invented to solve, but the solutions were > very often non-numerical. Many of these solutions ended up as > "decoration" in temples.
Now, I had heard *very briefly* of this--a paragraph mention in _The Story of Mathematics_ by Motz & Weaver (mostly Western) or _The Mathematical Experience_ by Davis & Hersh, don't remember which. They also mentioned that occasionally due to the intuitional nature of mathematical practice sometimes the theorems were off-track, but didn't give any details (and besides, it's also true of "Western" math anyway). In any case, could you recommend resources/references on Japanese mathematics (in English, if available)? YHL the curious wondering if that's *one* reason why Japanese mathematical pedagogy seems so much more interesting, flexible and effective (from what little I've seen/heard of it) than the U.S.'s