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Betreft: Re: Yes, another sketch for a new conlang! [very very long!]

From:Rob Nierse <rnierse@...>
Date:Monday, January 17, 2000, 10:02
>>> Christophe Grandsire <Christophe.Grandsire@...> 01/14 2:55 >>>
>#5' >QUESTION: What are the PoA of the vowels a, e and o? I need them to >>know how to pronounce the n. Can I say for instance that o is labial, e >>alvolar and a velar, or something else? >
I have to ask it again, nobody answered. Does anyone know what are the PoA of the vowels a, e and o? <<< I think it is difficult to describe vowels with PoA. I'd say: o is velar, e is dental/alveolar, I wouldn't know what the a should be.