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T-Shirt [-> Nicole]

From:Morgan Palaeo Associates <morganpalaeo@...>
Date:Wednesday, September 27, 2000, 1:01
Nicole Perrin wrote

> Anyone who wants to participate can send in as many of his conlangs as > he wants, the more the merrier. With each translation, this is what I'd > like to have: the sentence in the language, an interlinear, and any > special notes about preferred typefaces or special scripts.
I can't send anything by email because I'm reading through egroups which hides all email addresses. Most of what you need should be in the last message I posted, "Re: t-shirt {correction}". All I can add here is a more detailed interlinear: Fontwc = a form of 'we' that specifies: - first and second person included (f) - animate gender (o) - plural (nt) - polite imperative (wc) cykkynt = to swordfight: - sword (cynt) - to use for intended purpose (infix kk) preget* = language: - to speak (preg) - system for (suffix et*) rent = an article that specifies: - definite (r) - feminine gender (e) - see footnote [1] - plural (nt) i.e. many deaths - in this context, converts the following verb into an abstract noun ga*nyeriudrys = to bring about death: - to live (yeq) - opposite of (prefix ga*n) - verb to adjective conversion (suffix -iu) - to bring about (suffix -drys) Possession of 'rent ga*nyeriudrys' by 'preget*' is indicated by word order. fontwc = we must: - (as before) mwl = it is necessary, as opposed to, it is performed on a whim: - (no components) preget*drys = to bring about language: - (all components already explained) [1] A feminine abstract noun generated from a verb refers to the _conclusion_ of the verb. In this case the conclusion of death is extinction. -- WEB. | Here and there I like to create a few islands of sanity NETYP.COM/ | within the vast sea of absurdity which is my mind. MEMBER/ | After all, you can't survive as an eight foot tall DRAGON/ | flesh eating dragon if you've got no concept of reality.