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OT: Fires in California

From:Sai Emrys <sai@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 24, 2007, 1:33
FYI for the rest of you.

Updated map (by LA Times):

- Sai

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David J. Peterson <dedalvs@...>
Date: Oct 23, 2007 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: [BoD] Fires in California--off topic
To: LCS Board of Directors <bod@...>

For those not in the area, let me try to give you an update on
what's going on.

I myself live in Orange County--specifically, in west Orange
County.  In Southern California, LA County is in the north;
San Diego County is in the south; Orange County is right in
between the two.

If these maps that I've found are accurate, it looks like Orange
County, for the time being, is safe.  This isn't to say that we
haven't been having problems.  The winds--especially two days
ago--were, in places, up near 50 mph, and it was dry and hot.
The wind caused damage to some of my students' homes
(classes aren't cancelled, by any means, but especially those
students who commute and live in north or northeast Orange
County, which is where I teach, are keeping an eye on things.
Several were absent yesterday to help out relatives).  The fires
in Malibu (no idea if this is current) look something like this:

It's in north and eastern LA County; right in the middle
where there are no fires is LA city, Hollywood, etc.

Down south, the picture looks like this:

If you look at the picture, you'll see the 5 freeway on the
left traveling south to an upside-down V shape.  That's La
Jolla, where UCSD is.  The evacuation are is north of the
56--looks like Oceanside, though the scale of the map is hard
to tell.  This doesn't affect San Diego proper, for the most
part, but the northern areas of San Diego County, right
up against the southern-most parts of Orange County.

This map concerns me:

The area around Long Beach is where I live--as you can see, it's
fire-free.  Corona is at the end of the freeway I take to work,
about an hour and a half east of where I live.  There's a long
stretch of nothing between here and there, but it itself is a populous
area.  In between Laguna Niguel and San Diego are a lot of
newer communities--large developments that used to be
nothing but wilderness.  At present, it doesn't look good (in
fact, I didn't know the fires were that bad in the south...  A
friend of mine's mother lives near Laguna Niguel; I'd better
call him).  Several years ago when the fires were bad in San
Diego, it was that area near El Cajon and the 8 freeway that
was where it all started.  Hopefully there's enough manpower
to keep it under control; if not, it could potentially spread to
downtown San Diego, albeit very slowly.  Last time, the
firefighters were able to get it under control before it got to
the very populous areas.

As for myself, this is the second time I've seen bad fires.  The
time in San Diego several years back was much worse, because
of where I was living.  At present, the sky where I live is orange
and filled with smoke, but other than that, life is going on as
usual.  None of the schools in the area have been closed, and
other than power outages, the area around Long Beach has
been pretty quiet--especially now that the winds have died
down.  I don't foresee anything terrible happening to this
area, but, of course, I'm greatly concerned about the areas
near the fires--especially Pepperdine University, right in Malibu,
where my mother is attending a Master's program (not presently,
of course; classes have been cancelled).  If you wanted to stay
updated, I'd say that Google map is a good one to look at.

As for Northern California, I can't speak for the Bay Area, but
in the center of the state, the weather, apparently, is gorgeous:
not dry, not humid, 70 degrees, plenty of sunshine (which is
good, since the relatives I have that live up there are in an
area prone to brushfires).  Let's keep hoping.

"A male love inevivi i'ala'i oku i ue pokulu'ume o heki a."
"No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn."

-Jim Morrison

On Oct 23, 2007, at 4∞28 PM, Sally Caves wrote:

> Especially concerned about our San Diego and LA friends-- I think > David P. has relocated, I but I'm not sure. I can't remember where > some of the rest of you are; mostly in the Bay Area? Sylvia > Sotomayor is in Claremont, I don't think that's threatened, but my > cousins live in San Diego. > > Sally > _______________________________________________ > BoD mailing list > >
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