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Re: Circumfixes?

From:D Tse <exponent@...>
Date:Friday, June 8, 2001, 6:49
>> > >I should think this is more a pragmatic (if that's the right word) >than a grammatical consideration. While it's true that strictly >grammatically speaking, it's OVS, due to the nature of the verb >"gustar", "to be pleasing", from a pragmatic standpoint it's Mom's >apple pie SVO: "I like radio." It seems to me akin to "Mir ist >kalt.", "I'm cold." and the antiquated "Me thinks..." (Actually, >having just written that...Wasn't this touched on a long while ago on >the list?) > >Kou
Methinks that English "to like" had the same semantic shift in Old English. Imperative