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Re: first lang test

From:Dan Sulani <dnsulani@...>
Date:Thursday, February 8, 2001, 7:39
> The test, as I heard once, is: > A "first" lang is one that you, _when alone, by yourself_, automatically > a. count (or do arithmetic) in > b. cry in > c. pray in (or whatever you do in times of great > inner turmoil)
Since I seem to have started this thread, I ought to contribute to it: All of the above in both English and Hebrew. Counting/Math is interesting in my case. I know a lot of people who learned Hebrew as adults and who are totally fluent in it and who _can_ count and do arithmetic in it, but who always, by preference, use their native lang. I was the same, until I started to run into kids in my therapy who had to learn, among other things, counting and the names for the numbers. Simple math problems are also good for certain types of lisp-therapy (The numbers in Hebrew are rich in /S/.) We won't go into the hours spent helping my own kids with their math homework when they were small. It got so ingrained that I do math in Hebrew if I am in a Hebrew-lang situation. Dan Sulani -------------------------------------------------------------------- likehsna rtem zuv tikuhnuh auag inuvuz vaka'a. A word is an awesome thing.