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Re: Spanish ll in different dialects

From:B. Garcia <madyaas@...>
Date:Saturday, August 28, 2004, 0:23
On Fri, 27 Aug 2004 19:43:36 EDT, David Peterson <thatbluecat@...> wrote:

> > Despite the fact that I don't know exactly what you mean by /L/, > I can assure you that none of my relatives from Mexico have ever > pronounced "ll" that way. I've only ever heard a mixture between > [j], [Z] and [dZ]. Both "ll" and "y" get pronounced this way, and an > individual speaker can have all three (as I and my grandmother > do).
It is the pronunciation of "ll" as certain Spanish dialects from Spain pronounce it. Palatalized L. I too have heard /Z/ and /dZ/ as well from Mexican speakers. -- Something gets lost when you translate, It's hard to keep straight, perspective is everything - Invisible ink - Aimee Mann -