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Betreft: Re: Fluency Wish-List (was Re: Ah-ha! New computer,YANC andfluency)

From:Rob Nierse <rnierse@...>
Date:Monday, April 17, 2000, 6:48
Sorry that my reply is late.

Number 4) is made by Byron (,
so you can mail him for more info.
Number 5) is a teamwork effort of Ed Heil and me.
Ed donated me Sawila to work on, so I wanted to donate a
language back so he had something to work on.
The result is Leropho.
There's nothing on the web, so I will send it to the list later this day.

>>> Matt Pearson <jmpearson@...> 04/13 6:14 >>>
Rob Nierse wrote:
>4) Shdeete: because I like the morphology so much >5) Leropho (the language that Ed and I made together): because of the >pleasing sounds, the neat grammar and the teamwork
I've never heard of these two. What are they? Is there any documentation available, on the web or otherwise? Matt.