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Re: CHAT: the gay Canadian (was: "have a nice day")

From:And Rosta <a.rosta@...>
Date:Friday, March 3, 2000, 23:41
> >I thought Christophe was a gay Canadian too. (It sounds very dashing, > >doesn't it! Like the name of a cavalry regiment.) > > I'm a gay French person, please! > > Even if (thanks to the WWW) I have quite a few Canadian friends (most of > them Quebequois), I'm still French :) . So just call me Christophe the gay > French :) . > > Christophe Grandsire > |Sela Jemufan Atlinan C.G.
"Gay French" doesn't sound good. Where are you from? For example, "Christophe, the gay Burgundian" sounds splendid, and "Christophe, the gay Parisian" also has some charm. Christophe, the gay, of Aquitaine. Like all those French kings -- Charles the Bald, and so on. Christophe le Grand, Sire des Langues Fantastique. Excuse me while my fancy wanders.... Anyway, I must have got my francophone conlangers confused, thinking our gay francophone chum and our Canadian francophone chum were one and the same. --And the Gay, of Albion.