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The sound of Denden, Den'poim, Den'Mostral, Den'Matrai and Den'Barushlani

From:Boudewijn Rempt <bsarempt@...>
Date:Monday, June 21, 1999, 14:59
Dear people,

I've updated our webpage today - not only have I added a photograph of
myself (on the curriculum vitae page), and corrected numerous typoes -
I've also added recordings of texts in all the languages mentioned in
the subject-line at:

All bona-fide fieldwork recordering ;-). And I've added recordings of
all the examples sentences in the grammar of Denden, at:

These are the wav files at the lowest sample rate possible, but they've
still filled my room at xs4all - I've looked into mp3 files, but not
everyone has access to an mp3 player, and wav is about as ubiquitous as
income tax. We're currently looking at pinching some space from a free
website provider for bulky things like the zipfile of the entire site
(now slightly more than six megabytes) - does anyone have that list of
free providers we've just lost?

Boudewijn Rempt  |