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Re: What do you call this suffix?

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Sunday, April 13, 2008, 14:58
>JR <fuscian@...> wrote:
>In Khafos, nouns take a certain suffix (-l/-el/-ol/) when preceded >by
at least one adjective. Ex:
>kevre jetse vato-l >big green house-?
>I've been calling this the "modified suffix" for lack of a better term, >since it is used on nouns that are modified, but that sounds kinda >funny. Is there another word I should be using? And did ANADEW? Or >even a conlang?
What is the purpose of the suffix? I should think we'd need to know that before we named it. Definite article (as in Rumanian)? Relic of a former usage? Charlie


JR <fuscian@...>