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Re: Star Trek conlangs besides Klingon and Romulan

From:Padraic Brown <pbrown@...>
Date:Sunday, December 20, 1998, 1:40
On Sat, 19 Dec 1998, Sally Caves wrote:

> Eric Christopherson wrote: > > > Are there any Star Trek conlangs besides Klingon and Romulan? Has > > anyone tried to create a Betazoid language? (I would be interested in > > making that one myself.) > > I thought Vulcan was invented for one of the early Star Trek movies. I > distinctlyremember Leonard Nimoy speaking Vulcan with subtitles to the > Vulcan first officer > (her name escapes me).
Thanks for reminding me, Sally. That too was pretty cheesy. At least in the televised version (and possibly in the screen production as well), it was essentially garbled English. It just didn't "sound" good; the syntax was English as well. It was Star Trek II, and her name was Savick. Padraic. PS, the Interested Conlanger should probably also hang around in the Usenet groups devoted to Star Trek, particularly the "technical" group. At least one ST creative genius hangs out there, and is very open to questions and comments. I think it's Rick Sternbach. He may also be able to locate the Ferengi project from there more easily.