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Re: Intro to Frankish, was Re: A Franco-Turkic a posteriori language

From:Doug Dee <amateurlinguist@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 12, 2005, 0:12
In a message dated 1/11/2005 6:33:26 PM Eastern Standard Time,
geoffhorswood@HOTMAIL.COM writes:
>How much vocabulary are you drawing from Medieval or Church Latin? Greek? >Arabic?
A tough question I haven't fully addressed. I didn't plan on anything from Latin apart from what was already in Old French. Perhaps I just don't know the situation well enough. I'm assuming the Greek and Arabic components will be largely limited to words for the flora, fauna, and cultural phenomena of the eastern Mediterranean area. I wasn't aiming for any kind of mixed language; I hadn't considered doing a con-Romance language before, and I looked for a place I could isolate some Romance speakers. My impression, which may be wrong, is that the local population in Outremer mostly spoke Greek or Arabic rather than Turkish, so Turkish would be a distant third on the list of foreign influences. I'm also assuming that if in my conhistory the Turks and Arabs couldn't reconquer the Crusader states, they would not have been able to conquer the Byzantine Empire either. Therefore, there will be a Greek-speaking empire next door to these Frankish-speakers, which might lead to more Greek influence than I initially planned on. Doug