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Re: A short poem in Lassaptakl

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Wednesday, March 29, 2000, 19:36
In a message dated 3/12/2000 5:04:53 PM Eastern Standard Time,
tb0pwd1@CORN.CSO.NIU.EDU writes:

<< This is from a collection of Ryokan's poetry.


 tupa-li ai ssuis-li
 drum-PL and flute-PL

 ai u-pumu-ut
 and(but) on-mountain-the

 mum sassa-ti-li-it tlifu-li-it
 only whisper-ing-PL-the pine-PL-the

In Kash (with a minor change:  the closest thing to a pine has an ugly long
    kotrinju Ryokan-i
    word-song Ryokan-GEN

ritan ri enje
mundum, epuwish–
riyun ri surañ
angesh ihiship

ritan ri enje
here in city
mundum, epu(w)
drum, flute-PL
riyun ri surañ
yonder in mountain (PL omitted) i.hiship
tree-PL 3PL-whisper

And this from an earlier post:
lass-a-ata umu Riukun
word-+-thing by Ryokun

saa pti iti pium tam
QUES you NOT see NOT

mii liil ata tu miac suc
that PL  thing FUT change COM

ai tsu ai smi liil suap
and near and far PL flower

tu uls ssutl-a-tsu ssutl-a-smi
FUT die time-+-near time-+-far

   kotrinju Ryokun-i (poem Ryokun-GEN)

ta hatánjanga--
yunosh iyushúnuka?
ritan, riyun, yunda
awesh ihórenga?

ta ha.tanjañ.ka
not 2s.realize.QUES i.yu.shunu.ka (NB iy- > y here)
all-PL 3s-INCH-different-QUES
ritan, riyun, yunda
here, yonder, always i.horem.ka
flower-PL 3PL.die.QUES

Attentive readers will recall:  h is [x],  -ñ is [N], -ng- is [Ng}, vowels as
in Spanish. I hope the accents arrive OK.