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Re: Futurese

From:Jake X <alwaysawake247@...>
Date:Tuesday, April 30, 2002, 22:10
> > 5) Basic vocabulary: MONOSYLLABIC > >Um, there aren't that many possible words that can be formed from >monosyllables of the form (C)V(C). >
Well, from experiance, I remember that it's hard to remember monosylabbic words when you're actually sitting down and learning the damn language. If you aren't planning to borrow your words from other tongues like Esperanto (or many others), you have to make your words easy to learn. If I were you, I'd seriously consider your structure again or at least rethink where your coming from with the idea of facility of learning. This is an heavy consideration when one is building an IAL. Just a suggestion. I just think you might want to send us a message about the "logic" of futurese, and what do you propose for it. _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: