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Arabic style script

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Sunday, April 23, 2000, 2:53
Well not quite ;). But, the script has a cursive style that looks similar
to Arabic or Aramaic (not as curvy as Arabic, and not as angular as
Aramaic). It's not an abjad but an actual aphabet there are separate
characters for vowels. I did take some of the letter forms from Arabic,
but they dont represent the same sounds (well, for a, it looks like Alif,
but it has initial and medial forms like lam). Dots distinguish charactes
that may come out as another in fast writing, and they also mark
characters for sounds not found in my personal language (which is what
this was intended for).


 The rattan basket criticizes the palm leaf basket, still both are full of