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Re: Adjectives vs. stative verbs, plus general info

From:David Peterson <digitalscream@...>
Date:Saturday, March 16, 2002, 9:23
Kamakawi does this (I'm not quoting because it's difficult on this format), uses
stative verbs for adjectives. However, I was planning to use adjectives in
their traditional forms for saying things like "The big, happy, red man", etc.
Speaking of which, how would your system handle many, many adjectives all via
relative clauses? (Or are they called subordinate? Have I been saying them
wrong for years and years?) I was toying with the idea of using only relative
clauses for ideas like this, but I thought it would become unruly:

A tikili kaneko. /N.S. to be orange cat/ "The/a cat is orange".

A letale kaneko tikili poiu.  /N.S. go sailing cat orange out/ "The orange cat goes sailing".

*A letale kaneko ie tikili ho poiu. /N.S. go sailing cat COMP be orange CONT out/
"The orange cat goes sailing."

That /ho/ is a continuation particle letting you know the main clause is starting
up again. I don't know... For some reason this didn't strike me as...natural?
But the idea that it might have existed in the past is what led me to placing
adjectives after the head, but demonstratives before.



Jesse Raccio <jraja0722@...>
Padraic Brown <agricola@...>