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Re: ReTonogenesis

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Thursday, February 3, 2005, 18:07

Kevin Athey <kevindeanathey@...> writes:
>... > If there _is_ a Japanese expert out there, he or she should jump right in.
Well Christophe explained it also with an unaccented possibility rather than my version with a mora break accent. Hmm:
> OK, if I understand you properly, you are asking how a sequence of phonemes > consisting of two morae can have three possible tonal contours.
No, I meant tree possibilities of two-mora word + unaccented postposition. Still that's three phonemic accent positions on a two-mora, while there are only two tone contours. Just as you show in your examples. Maybe it's futile to discuss whether the accent is either on one of the morae + the possibility of fully unaccented words or whether the accent is between the morae, including in front and behind the word, because there is a one-to-one mapping between these possibilities and it's just definition what you declare to be the phonemic description, which is a model anyway. Maybe other factors lead to one or the other definition. I still wonder where I picked my view up -- it's not my invention, but I fail to remember the source. **Henrik


Kevin Athey <kevindeanathey@...>