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Re: a King's proverb

From:Dan Jones <feuchard@...>
Date:Saturday, June 16, 2001, 1:05
Guy Wade wrote:

> "Before you choose your enemy, speak his language."
In Carashán: Azait cue tu azopa lo tuo aicaro, conyasa lo suo dinyát. Interlinear: azait cue tu azopa lo tuo aicaro before REL you.s choose.3s.subj the.m your enemy, conyasa lo suo dinyát know.imp the his language. Had to make up a verb for "choose", but the rest was easy and dictionary-free. Dan ---------------------------------- La plus belle fois qu'on m'a dit "je t'aime" c'était un mec qui me l'a dit... Francis Lalane ----------------------------------


Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>