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Re: SAMPA to Unicode tool

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Monday, July 7, 2003, 14:53
En réponse à Julien Eychenne :

>In a file, SAMPA code must be included between '$_' and '_$' (to be >recognized by the script). For instance, the SAMPA pronunciation of >_sabyukà_ must be written [$_s6bj"uk@_$] (or $_[s6bj"uk@]_$). The script >makes a back up of your file (myfile.sampa), deletes the mark up '$_' >and '_$' and translates into Unicode ("s&#592;bj&#712;uk&#601;" in my >example).
Thanks for the script, it looks great! Just one remark, which has little to do with the subject but it's better to correct mistakes as soon as you see them. The stress marks of IPA (transcribed in X-SAMPA as " and %) must appear *in front* of the stressed syllable, *not* in front of the vowel of a syllable! That's because stress is a prosodic feature, not a feature of a specific phonetic segment. So "sabyukà" should be written in X-SAMPA [s6"bjuk@] (or [s6b"juk@] if the syllable break is between the [b] and the [j]). As for the program itself, it looks great! I'll try it sometime :)) . Christophe Grandsire. You need a straight mind to invent a twisted conlang.


Julien Eychenne <je@...>