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Re: IELang

From:Jeffrey Henning <jeffrey@...>
Date:Friday, November 12, 1999, 4:10
dirk elzinga <dirk.elzinga@...> comunu:

> There is also _The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European > Roots_ which sports a nice introduction by Calvert Watkins. My > copy is well-thumbed and sitting on my desk at home. I found it > at a used book store in Tucson for about $4.00; I don't know if > it is still in print.
I checked last night. It's not in print any more, alas. I misplaced my copy. I think anyone's best bet is to buy the dictionary (available as a traditional book and as software). The software's pretty handy for doing wildcard searches on the English language (type *gry in it! :-) and for looking all up the words that meet some criteria (a while ago I statistically demonstrated that 'sn-' is disproportionately associated with the nose, in an effort to show the type of documentation I would like to see on subphonetic semantic research). And of course you can copy and paste the IE definitions into your word processor to hack on. Best regards, Jeffrey Henning - Invent Your Own Language - Santa Paravia & Fiumaccio for Windows