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Navajo codetalking

From:John Cowan <jcowan@...>
Date:Friday, October 20, 2000, 22:22

The section headed "Alphabet" was used to encode English letters as
Navajo words (the English equivalents began with the relevant letters,
but of course the Navajo equivalents didn't).

The conlang-interesting section is the 400-odd Navajo equivalents of
various military terms, which expose underlying Navajo metaphors
(the literal English translation is given as well as the formal
English equivalent).

Bonus: a translation of the U.S. Marine hymn ("From the halls of
Montezuma/To the shores of Tripoli") into Navajo.

There is / one art                   || John Cowan <jcowan@...>
no more / no less                    ||
to do / all things                   ||
with art- / lessness                 \\ -- Piet Hein