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Re: The T-shirts? and the Page?

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Saturday, April 28, 2001, 17:44
Sally Caves wrote:

>...but I wonder if anyone has any news on Nicole's T-shirts. >I sent my money in six or seven months ago,
The project came to an untimely end, so we hear-- damaged in shipping, vanished printer, no refund. There's some news in the Archive, over the last month or two. and it sure
>would have been nice to have my t-shirt to take to the >conference in Michigan on Wednesday, since I'm talking >about conlangs.
Where, where? Ann Arbor, East Lansing? Elsewhere? I might be able to attend.
>Is there still a page that illustrates your different >conscripts? I could use that.
_Someone_ I think Adrian, has mentioned that he has it. Hope he replies in time.