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Re: Conlangs in RPGs...

From:Lars Henrik Mathiesen <thorinn@...>
Date:Saturday, January 20, 2001, 11:24
> Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 20:48:07 -0600 > From: Andrew Chaney <adchaney@...>
> On Friday, January 19, 2001, at 05:27 PM, Nik Taylor wrote: > > > Yoon Ha Lee wrote: > > > frex
> AFAIK, it's an abbr. of For EXample
Technically, it's not an abbreviation, it's a contraction. Which I just note to get an excuse to tell about the Danish equivalent. The full phrase is "for eksempel", which used to be abbreviated as "f.eks." --- quite cumbersome. So some 15-20 years ago the official Language Council, who edit the Orthographic Dictionary, decided to invent the 'letter symbol' fx --- which doesn't take an abbreviation mark (period) since it isn't an abbreviation or a contraction. "Eksempel" isn't spelt with an x, you see. Lars Mathiesen (U of Copenhagen CS Dep) <thorinn@...> (Humour NOT marked)