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Re: Making pictures

From:Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Date:Thursday, September 27, 2007, 10:14
On 9/27/07, Michael Potter <mhpotter@...> wrote:
> Chattanooga, TN, must be in the real South, then, because I still hear > this phrase all the time. :p
I wasn't casting aspersions, for the record. Just acknowledging that what I hear around here in Atlanta is vastly filtered compared to most of the South; nobody here is from here, as the joke goes. So I am therefore somewhat unreliable as eyes and ears on the ground when it comes to questions of Southern/Southron usage.
> We don't always use "have made" in reference to professionals, though. I > might say that I "had a picture made" with some of my cousins last year, > if only because all six of us were in the picture, standing as in a > class portrait.
Interesting distinction. Thanks! -- Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>


Michael Potter <mhpotter@...>