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Re: Yer Ugly Mug is open for business!

From:Iain E. Davis <feaelin@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 30, 2003, 1:42
(Combing replies)

Jake X wrote:
> Fix mine too! It butchered G'oxajo!
Er, wah? I see G'oxajo...? Tristan McLeay wrote:
> In the pulldown to set your birthdate (day of the month), it > goes ... 23, 24, 24, 25 ... Unless there's been some > development in dating, it shouldn't :) (This may or may not > have been changed since last night (my time), I guess, though.)
Ah! Okay. I'll have to fix that. :). Hmm maybe it is a silent tribute to the show "24". :) Peter Clark wrote:
> Ah. You misunderstood me. The membership list should > still be generated for, but not for
> able to set up a simple script that would automagically grab > the membership list; the only reason I couldn't was because > disabled the mail routine in PHP to prevent spam relays.
Right. I've not had time to actually sit down and work with it (although it looks like I need to make it a priority), but I'm thinking of using mail() to request the address-list, and then having the response redirected to a file.


Jake X <starvingpoet@...>