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Re: Yer Ugly Mug is open for business!

From:Iain Davis <feaelin@...>
Date:Thursday, May 1, 2003, 18:16
Stone Gordonssen wrote:
> Drat! I tried to add "Latin" to my natlangs (I had "English, > Spanish, German, French"), but now it only takes 30 chars, so > it threw away the "ch" from "french" and re-inserted > backslashes in my conlangs.
Erk. I thought I raised the bar on the natlang field limit. And as of late last night (I can't remember what time it was) the \' problem _should_ be fixed...when did you make this change? Whoops! On the edit page I forgot to change the limits. So the browser was silently chopping off the end... I'm beginning to think that those two fields should be textarea, rather than text (like the about me box). I've now set the field limits to 255 in all 3 of the relevant places.