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Re: Yer Ugly Mug is open for business!

From:Stone Gordonssen <stonegordonssen@...>
Date:Thursday, May 1, 2003, 22:37
>Internally, foo'bar'baz is foo\'bar\'baz. Then when you edited, it >re-slashed conlang, even though you made no changes. So foo\'bar\'baz >became foo\\'bar\\'baz...and so on.
Ah, okay, much as I suspected.
>Teach me to rush through something. I swapped the max_length >and "size of the box" values, but only on the edit screen. It's fixed now.
Having been a programmer for 26+ years, I understand too well. Wasn't trying to harass or harry you. Thanks. _________________________________________________________________ Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online


Iain Davis <feaelin@...>