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Re: What criteria do you have for your own or others' languages?

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Wednesday, December 6, 2006, 18:05

Jörg Rhiemeier writes:
>... > First of all, I think that any conlang ought to be measured against the > purpose or design goals set by the creator.
The same for me.
>... > A fictional ethnic language, on the other hand, should *not* be overly > regular and simplistic, but resemble a natlang, and obey well-established > linguistic universals. >...
Well, this is not necessary if the creator defines the society differently. E.g. Vulcans would probably not have an irregular language. So the design of the society were the language is to be spoken might override the default goals for conlang design that you give here.
>... > What unsettles me is any claim made by a conlanger that his language > was "ideal" or "optimal". One should be very, very careful with such > absolutes.
The same for me. My personal taste is twofold, and might me manyfold when I get interested in other goals. I personally like/dislike: Wrt. phonology: I - like a,i,u - like uvulars, pharyngeals, clicks, consonant clusters - dislike palatals, postalveolars, retroflexes - dislike plain voiced plosives Wrt. engelang grammar: I - like very simple structure - like one open lexican class - like unambiguous syntax and morphology - like a good balance between default underspecification and possible precision of semantics Wrt. artlang grammar: I - like alien, unexpected solutions Wrt. diacronical conlangs' grammar: I - like grand master plans - like the feeling of familiarity with sparks of unexpected unfamiliarity, i.e., Germanic and Romance language are most interesting to me **Henrik


daniel prohaska <danielprohaska@...>