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Re: IPA block in Unicode

From:Tim May <butsuri@...>
Date:Saturday, August 13, 2005, 15:51
Carsten Becker wrote at 2005-08-13 17:16:26 (+0200)
 > From: "Tim May" <butsuri@...>
 > Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 7:12 PM
 > Subject: Re: IPA block in Unicode
 >  > I'm not sure why Carsten has picked out this particular
 >  > set of
 >  > characters.
 > If you mean the font, I haven't found these characters in
 > any other IPA font I have installed on my computer. If you
 > mean why I chose those letters/whatever, like Henrik, I
 > don't know what they are used for, so I asked. So I chose
 > this particular set of characters out of curiosity.

What I meant was why those particular characters out of the larger set
of latin phonetic characters that Doulos SIL has in the private use
area...  In the hope of getting you an answer, I've taken a screenshot
of the block in my character map program, so people can see what the
characters are supposed to look like without having to install the

Anyone who recognizes any of these, you should be able to match them
to the SIL names at:


Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>